Monday, July 7, 2008

Goal Achievement

Goal Achievement:Major(R)Khalid Nasr
Goal Setting Means Getting :The first step towards goal achievement is Goal -setting.
The average human being has the ability to achieve almost anything. Lack of basic capability is rarely the problem, but rather finding out what you want and being willing to sacrifice, change, and grow to satisfy the want.I reccomend a 20-step system of goal setting to help people achieve and I firmly believe it can be applied to all walks of life. Here it is:
1. If it’s not in writing, it’s not a goal. An unwritten want is a wish, a dream, a never-happen. If it’s in writing, it’s a commitment.
2. If it’s not specific, it’s not a goal. Broad desires and lofty aims have no effect. It must be concrete.
3. Goals must be believable. If you don’t believe you can achieve a goal, you won’t pay the price for it.
4. An effective goal is an exciting challenge. It must demand your best and a bit more or it isn’t going to change your ways and elevate your lifestyle.
5. Goals must be adjusted to new information. Adjust them down if they become unbelievable or up if they’re too easy.
6. Dynamic goals guide our choices. If you want it badly enough, you’ll turn off the TV and get to it. Goals will show you the right way to go on most decisions.
7. Don’t set short-term goals for more than 90 days. If you set a short-term goal that takes more than 90 days, you may lose interest.
8. Maintain a balance between long-term and short-term goals. Long-term goals tend to be hidden in a fog of the future, so have some short-term goals – like clothes, cars, vacations— to keep your excitement up.
9. Include your loved ones in your goals. Involve them and they’ll buck you up when you need encouragement.
10. Set goals in all areas of your life. Have other goals besides career objectives.
11. Your goals must harmonize. Whenever you detect a conflict, set priorities that will eliminate the conflict.
12. Review your goals regularly. Remember, long-term goals can only be achieved if they are the culmination of short-term goals.
13. Set vivid goals. Define not only what you want but by when you want it, and concentrate on it for a few moments every day.
14. Don’t chisel your goals in granite. Sometimes you have to change goals to conform to your growing awareness of what’s really important in your life.
15. Reach out into the future. The idea of goal-setting is to plan your life rather than taking it as it comes. Begin by setting 20-year goals. Then 10-year, five-year, 30-month, 12-month, monthly, weekly, and finally goals for tomorrow and each day for the coming week.
16. Have a set of goals for every day, and review results each night.
17. Train yourself to crave your goals. Visualize yourself possessing what you’ve set your goals for.
18. Set activity goals, not production goals. Activity will lead to production by itself.
19. Understand luck, and make it work for you. Expect good things to happen, and they probably will.
20. Star now. Give goal-setting two hours of concentrated through today. Then set aside 10 minutes a day for the next 21 days to review and revise. After that, two minutes a day and one hour a week is all it will take to keep you on track.
Try this system if you want to achieve your goals and within 21 days you’ll be well on your way to an immensely greater and richer future.

Committing yourself to paper and reading your goals every day can work wonders. I find that if I start with the easier goals and you can tick these off at regular intervals it gives you a tremendous boost and gives you the confidence to attack the harder goals.

Knowing what we want, writing it down (committing to it) and following through on that commitment (action) is what living a life of intent is all about.
Everyone that I know anticipate to succeed, however, the anticipation to succeed is not enough but the habit of setting goals and consistently revaluate them as you progress through life. I particular like the #18. Set activity goals, not production goals. Activity will lead to production by itself. I couldn’t agree more with you. This is where most people are frustrated because they set production goals and not activity goals.

Becoming An Extra-ordinary Leader

Becoming An Extraordinary Leader : Major(R)Khalid Nasr Leadership is a continual process of making to commitments… to oneself, to others, and to the organizations we lead and serve. Here are the commitments an Extraordinary Leader makes: 1.Continually pursue personal and professional growth 2.Treating everyone I come in contact with the dignity and respect they deserve 3.Finding the way for as many people as possible to benefit from my decisions and actions 4.Be willing to make and carry out hard decisions without regard to personal expediency 5.The highest level of personal and corporate integrity 6.Tell the truth and be honest, regardless of potential personal loss 7.Think “team” first 8.Finding a person who can mentor me 9.Finding at least one person I can personally mentor 10.Help others discover their strengths and function in them 11.Maintain my priorities and organize my life and work according to them 12.Live a life of balance between work, family, and leisure 13.Pursue balanced growth in body, soul and spirit – understanding that each area affects the others innately 14.Pursue what is best – for myself, my organization, and for others – and not settle for that which is simply “good enough” 15.Do work and live a life that leaves behind a lasting legacy of excellence 16.Build a team to surround me in order to enhance my strengths and make up for my weaknesses 17.Surround myself with people who will tell me the truth and not just what they think I want to hear 18.Become a great listener 19.Be an Extraordinary Follower of those who are my leaders 20.Help others develop their skills 21.Dream big dreams and encourage others to do the same 22.Stretch my followers enough to make them grow but not so much as to discourage them 23.Be driven by vision, mission and purpose, not by circumstances or expediency 24.View the world through optimistic eyes 25.Embrace the concept of change as a positive force for improvement 26.Be responsible in my actions as they relate to my commitments to myself and others 27.Be tenacious in my pursuits 28.Give more than I receive and to be characterized by generosity 29.Show courage in the face of challenge 30.Be an example of dedication and commitment 31.Share the privileges of leadership with those who follow me 32.Give power away to those who can share in it responsibly and help the organization 33.Use both my head and my heart when leading 34.Manage my time according to my priorities 35.Be the first to sacrifice when sacrifice is needed 36.Make all short-term decisions with the long-term goals in mind 37.Develop a successor 38.Develop excellent communication skills 39.Use a variety of means of influence 40.Be the primary strategy setter for the organization 41.Teach others 42.Inspire others 43.Keep my eye on the big picture 44.Making the complex simple 45.Motivate others 46.Consider others as important as myself 47.Identify future leaders 48.Train and develop future leaders 49.Regularly reward accomplishment 50.Allow followers to fail in their attempts at growth and innovation 51.Work leadership development into every level of the organization 52.Have a clear vision 53.Remain calm in difficult situations 54.Keep a sense of humor 55.Remove people from their position as soon as I know they need to go 56.Empathize with others

Speaker's Checklist

Speakers Checklist : Major(R)Khalid Nasr
1.Prior to the speech : a.Preparing your speech. b.Topic – If at all possible speak only on what you know well. c.Time limit – This gives you a guide for what you can include. d.Structure .... Introduction – STRONG introduction! Body – Simple, understandable, and memorable. Conclusion – Bring them to where you want them to be. Anecdotes/ stories – Appropriate, not too many, carefully placed. Facts/ information – Not too much, enough to convince. e.Style ----Formal – College graduation, staunch. Informal – Small classroom, interactive. Informational – To inform only. Selling/ Persuading – To move the listener to action. Motivational/ Inspirational – To move the listener to believe. f.Presentation------ Transcript – Boring, few can pull it off. Notes – The best, especially if you know your material well. Without notes – Too much room for TROUBLE. Powerpoint etc. – Just know the pro’s and cons. Backup! g.Goals – What, exactly, do you want to accomplish with this speech? h.Understand your audience ---- Size – Will determine style. Age(s) – May determine style. Background – Determines understanding, bias, etc. Profession(s) – May determine understanding, bias, etc. Why they are there – May affect receptivity, level of response. What will have happened just before your speech? - Atmosphere. What will be happening right after your speech? - Expectations. Level of expertise in the subject - Know how exact you must be. Formality of dress – Don’t be underdressed or overdressed. Decision-makers – Are they? Can this group of people act on information? Other notes i.Rest – Get enough. j.Eat – Very light.k.Dress – Always be dressed in the top 10% 2.During the Speech: a.Introduction ----- Get their attention – Make them think they should listen. b.Language “Insider-eese” – Make sure they understand. Education – Don’t speak on a different level. Slang – Only for effect, the rest MUST go. Pronunciation – Work on clear pronunciation. Clarity – They need to hear you. Speed – Delicate balance, don’t slur words. Pace – Change it up, it keeps them listening. Volume – See pace. Ums and ahs – Ummm, it’s best to eliminate them. Pet words – Brings diversity if used selectively. Body . c.Keep it simple – best to move too little than too much. d.Mouth---- Relax – People are looking at your face, relax. Drink water – Dry-mouth can ruin a speech. e.Eyes – Keep them moving, like you’re checking your mirrors. f.Face – Smile! Except at a funeral. g.Hands--- Where to put them – Podium, pockets, folded. Don’t move them too much – Distracting. Gestures – Make sure they match your words. h.Feet – Steady, purposeful movement. i.Shoulders – Good posture helps confidence and breathing. j.Style Formal/ Informal - Affects the way you go about the speech. k.Audience l.Participation---- Questions – Best to hold them until the end. Feedback – Controlled, call on hands. Activities – Always takes longer than you count on. Reading them --- It’s all in the eyes – Where are they looking? Not you? Bored. Changing midstream – If you’ve lost them, improvise a bit. m.Conclusion --- What do you want from it? End powerfully. Call for something. 3. After the Speech: a.Questions---- Written – Best. Controlled. From the floor – Risky. Be sure you are good. b..Follow-up : Individuals – If you can, talk to as many as possible. Future clients. Exchange numbers – Always get the contact information! Follow-up – Call, write, email. Don’t just think about them. Company/ group that hired or sponsored you Pleased? - Ask how you might improve. Not-pleased? – Make it up to them. Ask about improvement. Sales - Ask for the sale. Follow-up – Same as with individuals. Letter of recommendation – Get one for your records.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Effective Speaking

Effective Speaking : Major(R)Khalid Nasr
At one point or another, those of us in business are called upon to do some public speaking. The way we present ourselves is important because it is representative of who we are, our competencies, and how people will view our businesses. Here are some simple rules to help you improve your speaking skills: 1.Keep it simple .2.Speak naturally. 3.Make eye contact . 4.Don’t do crazy things with your hands. 5.Be impassioned. 6.No matter what you speak about, people want to know that you are excited about it. Now, don’t fake it, but let you passion for your business or product come through! 7.Balance the format of your information. 8.Don’t try to cram too much into the presentation. Instead, when speaking, cover the basics and leave the details to a handouts that can be read later. Use a powerpoint slide or a few but don’t overdo it. 9.Manage the relationships beforehand. If at all possible, get to know the people who will be listening to you prior to your presentation. This will give them a built-in trust of you and what you have to say. 10.Show, don’t tell. Show them with stories, examples and personal experience. Don’t just list facts. 11.Get rid of distracting idiosyncrasies. Ummms and Ahhhs have got to go. So does jingling coins in your pockets. 12.Know your material. Nothing beats having the material down pat. If you do, it will cover a multitude of other problems that may arise. 13.Get the audience to participate at varying levels if effective. You can use different methods, such as taking time to work alone or with a partner, feedback on certain points or questions and answers. 14.Don’t misinterpret people’s response and get discouraged. You never know why a person may not be listening or get up and walk out. There are lots of reasons that have nothing to do with you or your speaking. Assume it is something else and keep on going! And perhaps the most important – NEVER go longer than you are allotted!

Staying Motivated

Staying Motivated : Major(R)Khaid Nasr
Here are tips for staying motivated:
1.Have a vision for your life:The root word of motivation is “motive.” The definition of motive is, “A reason to act.” This is the cognitive or rational side of motivation. It is your vision. You have to have a vision that is big enough to motivate you. If you are making Rs50,0000 a year, it isn’t going to motivate you to set your goal at Rs52,0000 a year. You just won’t get motivated for that because the reward isn’t enough. Maybe Rs70,0000 a year would work for you. Set out a vision and a strategy for getting there. Have a plan and work the plan. 2.Fuel your passion: Much of motivation is emotional.Emotion is a powerful force in getting us going. Passion is an emotion, so fuel your passion. “Well, I like to work on logic,” you may say. Great, now work on your passion. Set yourself on a course to have a consuming desire for your goal, whatever it is. Do whatever you can to feel the emotion and use it to your advantage.
3.Work hard enough to get results:You can build on your motivation by getting results. The harder you work, the more results you will get and the more results you get, the more you will be motivated to get more. These things all build on one another. If you want to lose weight, then lose the first few pounds. When the belt moves to the next notch you will get fired up to get it to the notch beyond that. 4.Put good materials into your mind:Read good books. Read books that teach you new ideas and skills. Read books that tell the stories of successful people. Buy them, read them, and get motivated!It gets you going and motivates you!
5.Ride the momentum when it comes:Sometimes you will just be clicking and sometimes you won’t. That is okay. It is the cycle of life. When you aren’t clicking, plug away. When you are clicking, pour it on because momentum will help you get larger gains in a shorter period of time with less energy. That is the Momentum Equation! When you are feeling good about how your work is going, ride the momentum and get as much out of it as you can! These are the top six ways to stay motivated: 1.Get motivated every day.2. Have a vision for your life.3.Fuel your passion.4.Work hard enough to get results.5. Put good materials into your mind.6.Ride the momentum when it comes.
These are simple principles, that when you put them to work regularly, will change your life by keeping you motivated all the time.

Ten Principles of Motivation

Ten Principles Of Motivation : Major(R)Khalid Nasr
The Ten principles of motivation are: 1.ALL PEOPLE ARE MOTIVATED : Some people are like water in a faucet. They have the motivation; all you have to provide is the opportunity. The water is already motivated to flow. But it doesn't have the opportunity until you open the tap. Others are like mountain streams, which flow swiftly but follow their own channels. People, too, may move energetically, but toward their own goals. We in management should make it worth their while to channel their motivations toward the results management is seeking. 2.PEOPLE DO THINGS FOR THEIR REASONS;NOT FOR YOURS OR MINE: We in management have to show employees what's in it for them when they follow behaviors that benefit the company. We can show them by using rewards and recognition, appealing to their sense of pride and achievement. 3.PEOPLE CHANGE BECAUSE OF PAIN: When the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing, people will change. 4.THE KEY TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IS IDENTIFICATION: When something becomes personal, it becomes important. When our clients or our employees begin to identify with who we are and what we are, good things begin to happen. Large corporations have discovered that. Prudential, for example, knows that its customers want to buy security. So it doesn't just sell insurance; it markets peace of mind by inviting all of us to buy "a piece of the rock." Kodak doesn't sell film; it invites its customers to "trust your memories to Kodak." AT&T doesn't tell us to make long-distance calls. It asks us to "reach out and touch someone." In dealing with employees, it isn't enough to appeal to them on the basis of loyalty to the company. They need personal reasons for showing this loyalty. Whether we're instituting a new educational program or undergoing a total restructuring, we can get our employees on board more readily if we show them how the change will affect them for the better. When my company sets out to lead corporate teams in developing their human-relations skills, we don't tell them what we're going to do for the company. We talk about what we're going to do for the individual. For example, in the introduction to one of our manuals, we tell supervisors: We've designed this complete educational system to help YOU master the skills of supervisory management and enjoy the rewards of leadership and career enhancement. From management's standpoint, the training was designed to increase the effectiveness of the organization. That's what sold the company on the program. But from the employee's standpoint, it was to upgrade the skills of the individual. That's what sold the employees on the program. 5.THE BEST WAY TO GET PEOPLE TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOU IS TO PAY ATTENTION TO THEM: That means listening to others and not just hearing them. Listening is active; hearing is passive. If you listen to individuals long enough, they'll tell you what their concerns and problems are. It's very important that executives listen to their staff and associates. We need to take the time to get to know them, not just by name, but also by their interests and aspirations. We should try not to come across as interrogators, but ask them friendly questions about how they are, what they did over the week-end, and what they're doing on vacation. Then listen. It's amazing what you'll learn. 6.PRIDE IS A POWERFUL MOTIVATOR.: Everybody is proud of something. If we find out what makes our people proud, we can use that insight to channel their motivation. Pride is tied closely to self-esteem. My friend, Robert W. Darvin, has founded several successful companies, including Scandinavian Design, Inc., and has often used our consulting services and invited me to speak to his people. His observations on self-esteem are worth repeating: There's only one thing that counts in a business: building the self-esteem of your employees. Nothing else matters, because what they feel about themselves is what they give to your customers. If an employee comes to work not liking his job, not feeling good about himself, you can be sure that your customers will go away not liking or feeling good about your company. 7.YOU CAN'T CHANGE PEOPLE;YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIORS. To change behavior, you must change feelings and beliefs. This requires more than training. It requires education. When you train people, you just try to teach them a task; when you educate people you deal with them at a deeper level relative to behavior, feelings and beliefs. 8.THE EMPLOYEE'S PERCEPTION BECOMES THE EXECUTIVE'S REALITY. This is a very important point. When we speak to employees, they don't respond to what we say; they respond to what they understand us to say. When employees observe our behavior, they respond to what they perceive us doing, and will try to emulate us. Suppose you send an employee to a developmental workshop or seminar and he comes back brimming with new ideas and information. But you haven't been exposed to all this stimulating stuff, so your behavior doesn't change. The employee realizes this and concludes that the behavior she observes in you is the behavior you want. This may not be the case at all. You may want the employee to implement all these new ideas, but your employee's perception is the reality you get. 9.YOU CONSISTENTLY GET THE BEHAVIORS YOU CONSISTENTLY EXPECT AND REINFORCE. We should look for ways to reward employees for doing the things we want them to do. The reward may take the form of financial incentives, prizes, or simply public recognition of a job well done. Reinforcement can be positive or negative, as my Roundtable partner, Ken Blanchard, has taught us all. If employees learn that a certain type of behavior results in lower earnings, less favorable hours or less desirable territories, they'll adjust their behavioral patterns. 10.WE ALL JUDGE OURSELVES BY OUR MOTIVES;BUT WE JUDGE OTHERS BY THEIR ACTIONS. Put another way, we're inclined to excuse in ourselves behavior that we find unacceptable in others. When our employees are late for work, it's because they're irresponsible and have no interest in their jobs. When we're late for work, it's because we were attending to necessary details that had to be taken care of. When employees engage in undesirable behavior, we shouldn't try to assess motives or change them. Just deal with the behavior. We can't change the motives of our employees, but through positive or negative reinforcement you can affect their actions.


Empowerment---- Checklist : Major(R)Khaid Nasr
Here are eight words, which conveniently all start with a "T", to use as a checklist for determining how to empower or motivate someone. Simply identify the person you would like to empower and then ask the eight questions to determine what kind of empowerment would be the most effective: 1.TARGET:Does he or she understand and accept the purpose or goal? 2.TOOLS:Does he or she have the tools,or information needed to do the job? 3.TRAINING:Has there been enough training in how to use the tools well? 4.TIME:Have they had enough time for the training to take effect? 5.TRUTH:Does he or she know how all of this fits together? 6.TRACKING:Am I providing the feedback needed for them to stay on track? 7.TOUCH:Is there enough support and encouragement? (the human touch) 8.TRUST:Do I trust them appropriately for their skill and mastery level?
When you identify which "T" is missing, you will know where to intervene to get the person started again.